
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Profile ID: WM-2408
Personal Details
Marital Status: Unmarried
Caste: 96 Kuli - Maratha
Gender: Male
Age: 50 Years
Height: 5 ft 5 in
Weight: Not Provided
Body Type: Average
Complexion: Fair
Disabilities: No
Specs/Lenses: Yes
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Diet: Veg
Blood Group: AB +
Registration Done by: Self
Education Details
Education: BA
Annual Income: Not Provided
Occupation: business
Work Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Horoscope Details
Horoscope Match is Must: No
Are you Manglik: No
Birth Date: Accessible to members only.
Birth Time: Accessible to members only.
Rashi: Accessible to members only.
Nakshtra: Don't Know
Charan: Don't Know
Gan: Don't Know
Nadi: Don't Know
Birth Place: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Family Details
Father Name: Accessible to members only.
Mother Name: Accessible to members only.
Unmarried Brothers: 1
Unmarried Sisters: 0
Married Brothers: 0
Married Sisters: 1
Mama's Name: Accessible to members only.
Family Wealth: Accessible to members only.
Relatives Surnames: Kale. Indalkar, Shinde, Rane, Sawant
Native Place: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Current Location: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Parents living Together?: Yes
Inter-Caste Marriage in Family?: No
Minimum Annual Income: Not Provided
Open for Inter-Caste Marriage: No
More Details:

Hello and welcome to my profile.

Note: My date of birth proof is not available. My age is approximately 45. My birth date on paper is different. 

I would describe myself as a self-aware and well-balanced person, aligned with my priorities and focused on my life goals. I am shy at first but once the ice is broken, I can socialise with ease. My relationships matter a lot to me. I am a well-organised individual who likes to lead his life in an orderly manner. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, watching movies, cricket and badminton. My palate savours Maharashtrian home-cooked delicacies.

I have completed my BA in Hindi Literature from Wardha University. I have resigned from the Central Government and I receive full pension for the same. Currently, I am involved in the film industry. I am a writer, director and producer, having my production house named My Role. I have produced a Marathi film named Ringan and have done 100 Marathi plays as well. I am also involved in the artificial guns trading (used in films), sound recording and designing with my brother.

Ours is a close-knit family. My sister is happily married and well-settled in her life. My brother is working as a sound designer, film producer and also into artificial guns trading business used in the movies. My parents are no more amongst us and their presence is deeply missed.

Thank you for visiting my profile. If you wish to take things forward, feel free to initiate contact.